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September 20, 2024

Why Autumn is the Best Time for a Fresh Start and to Begin your Dental Journey:

As the leaves begin to fall and the air takes on that refreshing crispness, autumn emerges as a season of transition, reflection and renewal. While many consider January as the time for fresh beginnings, there’s something special about autumn that makes it the ideal moment to start new endeavours – especially when it comes to prioritising your health and what better area to focus on than your dental health? Here’s why autumn is the perfect time to begin your dental journey with Ise Lodge Dental Practice.


January 11, 2024

Overcoming dental anxiety: Your road to a healthier smile

Dental anxiety is not just a case of jitters before a dental appointment; it’s a lot deeper than that. It is a genuine psychological condition characterised by an overwhelming fear of dental visits. Our supportive dentists are familiar with dental phobics and will adapt their approach to make you feel more comfortable and will answer any questions you may have, whether they are about a dental procedure in general or any upcoming appointments.


November 30, 2023

Dealing with dental emergencies at Christmas: Home remedies and pain relief

The festive season is a time for celebration and joy, but it can also be a time when dental emergencies strike unexpectedly. Here at Ise Lodge Dental Practice we do try our best to see all dental emergencies as soon as we can however during the Christmas period this is not always possible.


November 17, 2021

Please Let Us Know If You Can't Make Your Appointment!

We try our very best to help you remember, once you have made an appointment with us by: - Text or letter to confirm the appointment 6 weeks before your appointment date ( applies to exam appointments only) - Texting 4 days before you are due to come in. - Calling 2 days before and either leaving a message or hopefully talking with you.


September 9, 2021


Self Care is caring for the whole body, not just the bits you see on the outside – so invest in your smile and keep it healthy and whole!


November 23, 2020

Mouth Cancer Awareness Month

November is mouth cancer awareness month. It is held every year in November and is continually supported by the Mouth Cancer Foundation and the British Dental Health Foundation.